OSHA Regulated Surveillance Exams
HazMat and HazWoper Evaluations
OSHA regulations stipulate periodic surveillance evaluation every 18 months. This, plus judicious biologic monitoring can save company resources for maintaining equipment. Certainly chest X-rays should be considered in the context of risk/benefit and based on assessing actual risk.
All too often, maximum testing is performed without an effort to customize the surveillance consistent with the risks at hand for that workplace. OccMedCIC and Dr. Burress will devise a well-reasoned surveillance program that fits your situation.

Silica Surveillance Evaluations
OccMedCIC has three medical assistants who are NIOSH certified to conduct pulmonary function testing. We will arrange for Chest X-rays to be done in our office. We schedule HazMat Silica Surveillance Exams in groups to streamline surveillance requirements, minimize time away from work, and reduce cost.
Asbestos Surveillance Evaluations
Initial asbestos exams require a chest X-ray with “B” reading or interpretation which we will arrange. We can do initial and periodic asbestos evaluations, review the appropriate questionnaires, expound on key history, and secure respirator clearance. We schedule HazMat Asbestos Surveillance Exams in groups to streamline surveillance testing including arranging in-office X-rays.
HazMat Deleader Exams
OccMedCIC can complete HazMat Deleader Supervisor Applications in accordance with provisions of M.G.I. c. 149 6-6F ½ and 453 CMR 6.00. Our surveillance program was designed and supervised by an attending physician knowledgeable about hazardous materials and adequately briefed on potential or anticipated hazards specific to the individual.
Hazwoper Exams
OccMedCIC performs hazardous waste worker-regulated HAZWOPER exams as per the OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910.120, 29 CFR 1926.65 (f), and 29 CFR 1101(m). OccMedCIC can perform HazMat Hazwoper examinations given a job description, list of potential hazards, anticipated exposure levels, and type of personal protective equipment used. OccMedCIC can evaluate respirator clearance as per OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134.
Tuberculosis Testing
OccMedCIC can perform venipuncture for Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) tuberculosis blood tests. We partner with Oxford Laboratories to complete T-Spot tuberculosis blood testing. The IGRA blood test requires one appointment, and the lab results are available between 2 and 5 days from the date of blood collection.
Lab Animal Allergy Exams
OccMedCIC can review Lab Animal Allergy Questionnaires as part of a screening and surveillance program to reduce the health burden of animal lab allergies consistent with general recommendations of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) and the American Association of Animal Laboratory Science (AAALS).
Laboratory Support
OccMedCIC has established vendor relationship multiple laboratories to assure our ability to meet client needs. We have three medical assistants in the office who are trained and experienced phlebotomists.
Respirator Medical Clearance and Fit-Testing
Our providers are well-versed in the OSHA Respiratory Standard, OSHA 1910.134 and will assess the worker’s physical ability to wear a tight-fitting respirator safely. Our medical assistants are NIOSH certified to conduct Respirator Fit Tests and Pulmonary Function Tests as per OSHA 1910.134.
Vision Testing
OccMedCIC can test vision in multiple ways, with and without corrective lenses. We use eye charts to assess near and far vision, ishihara plates to assess color vision, and an Optec 5000 for comprehensive visual screening.
Surveillance Audiometry
OccMedCIC can provide your company with complete audiometry surveillance, including baseline and annual testing. Our audio booth blocks surrounding city sounds and permits accurate, OSHA-certified audio testing for occupational health purposes according to the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC)”. Our Medical Assistants are fully trained and certified in audiometric testing.