John W. Burress, MD, MPH, FACOEM
Principal and Medical Director
After undergrad and medical school at University of Kentucky, Dr. Burress completed Family Medicine Residency in Greenville, SC then second residency in Occupational and Environmental Medicine through the Harvard School of Public Health.
His clinical training focused on preparing Dr. Burress to serve the working population of his rural hometown in Kentucky and included rotations in plastic surgery, sports orthopedics, and emergency medicine. However, family obligations lead him to close his practice in Kentucky and relocate back to Boston. Dr. Burress has directed Occupational Medicine clinics in community settings and 10 years at Boston Medical Center. His interests and strong clinical skill set including soft tissue repair (e.g., suturing, complex wound care) make him an ideal match for heavy industrial workings including the construction trades.
Dr. Burress is passionate about providing the right care and resources up-front to avoid chronicity and launched his company, OccMedCIC in 2015 to do just that. OccMedCIC serves about $8 billion in ongoing construction plus utility, transportation, and other industries.
In addition to direct clinical care, Dr. Burress does population based and individual disability management consultation for a number of government and non-government organizations in MA and NH. Dr. Burress is a Senior Aviation Medical Examiner and a HIMS AME. He is a past Chair of the Mass Medical Society Public Health Committee and a prior member of the national Board of Directors for ACOEM (American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine). He currently serves as the Chair of the Occupational & Environmental Health Foundation (OEHF) and as Co-Chair of the MA Dept of Industrial Accidents (DIA) Health Care Services Board Guideline Writing Committee. Dr. Burress also serves on the advisory committee for the FAA Medical Guidelines.