Department of Transportation (DOT) Physical Exams
DOT Physical Exam at OccMedCIC
We offer DOT physical examinations conducted by our certified medical examiners (CMEs) listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) National Registry website.
This examination is required for drivers applying for or currently holding a Commercial Driver’s License. It ensures the person is medically qualified to operate a commercial vehicle safely.
Commercial drivers are held to a higher physical, mental, and emotional standard than passenger car drivers for public safety.
Once completed, a DOT physical exam is valid for up to 24 months. If a condition needs to be monitored, such a high blood pressure or sleep apnea, it may be less than 24 months.

DOT Physical Exam Requirements
If you wear glasses for distance, please bring them (contact lenses, please wear them).
Requirement: Far vision in both eyes, as well as each eye individually, 20/40 or better, with visual improvement devices such as glasses or contacts allowed.
If you wear hearing aids, please bring them.
Requirement: Ability to perceive a forced whisper in the better ear at a distance of not less than five feet, with or without use of a hearing aid. If you fail this test, you will need a hearing test.
If you have high blood pressure, please take your medication as directed. Refrain from caffeinated beverages for 6 hours prior to your appointment and also from smoking just prior to your visit.
Requirement: The driver must have no current clinical diagnosis of high blood pressure likely to interfere with his/her ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.

If you have been diagnosed with a heart attack, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, coronary (heart) vessel insufficiency, or any other cardiovascular disease known to be accompanied by collapse, difficulty breathing, or fainting, please follow-up with your treating provider prior to your visit.
You may be required to provide a note from your treating provider/cardiologist noting the status of your condition, current medications, and any physical restrictions. Additional information may be requested by the medical examiner.
If you have been diagnosed with a respiratory or other disorder likely to interfere with ability of a person to safely operate a CMV, such as severe, uncontrolled COPD, suspected or known untreated moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, significant mental or nervous disorders, etc., please follow-up with your treating provider prior to your visit.
You may be required to provide a note from your treating provider noting the status of your condition, current medications, and any physical restrictions. Additional information may be requested by the medical examiner.
Medical disqualifiers:
By regulation, Specific Medically Disqualifying Conditions Found Under 49 CFR 391.41 are Hearing Loss, Vision Loss, Epilepsy and Insulin Use.
Drivers who require a Diabetes or Vision exemption to safely drive a CMV in addition to those pre-printed on the certification form are disqualified until they receive such an exemption. If you do not currently meet the diabetes, hearing, vision and/or seizure standard for interstate commerce, you may apply for an exemption through the FMCSA website: Intrastate drivers must comply with their individual state regulations.
Drivers with physical impairments which affect their ability to safely operate CMVs according to their medical examiners, or with missing limbs (e.g., a hand or finger, an arm, foot or leg), are required to obtain Skill Performance Evaluation SPE certificates.
You may apply for a SPE Certificate through the FMCSA website:
- Use of Schedule I drugs such as marijuana, heroin, or cocaine.
- Current diagnosis of alcoholism.
- Current diagnosis of epilepsy (seizures) requiring anti-seizure medication.

For more information about your DOT medical exam, please visit the following sites: